Message from GB Chairman

This gives me great honour and pride to be the chairman of the Governing Body of RiverWoods School. From the very beginning of its journey, the RiverWoods school strongly pledges to become one of the leading educational institutions by providing quality education and disciplined environment. We are committed to achieve our goal which is to make the students a complete human being by infusing integrity, creativity, nobility and originality. I believe, our continuous and robust effort will assist the students to explore their potentials and prepare them to face the challenges of competitive world. We understand how vital the roles of teachers are in overall personality development of students. Hence, I emphasise on constant engagement and training of the teachers so that they could serve the students in best possible way. I am also aware that the quality and commitment of the teachers can uphold our institution’s reputation and thus we are putting our efforts accordingly. I am quite confident that collective experience, skills and knowledge of our Governing Body, Leadership Team and Staffs will surely uplift the standard of the school to a greater height.

I wish all the success of RiverWoods School.

May the Almighty bless us all.

Colonel Babar Mohammad Salim, psc, MDS, MBA (Retd)
Chairman, Governing Body