Our Discipline

  • Students should maintain the dress code as the school dress code.
  • Proper hair cut should be maintained.
  • If any student wants to leave the school early, he/she should take prior permission from the Principal of the school in a written application or of the presence of the guardian.
  • Inattentiveness in study, disobedience, bad behavior, unfairness in examinations and anything related to the breach of discipline will be cause of termination from the institution.
  • Everybody should enter the school before the assembly starts. 06:45 is the last time to report. It is mandatory to attend the assembly.
  • During the classes, anybody cannot roaming around the classroom, canteen or the playground. After school, everybody should leave the school in a disciplined manner.
  • Everybody should restrain him/her to ruin the reputation of the school or any kind of belongings of the institution.
  • Don’t write anything to the walls and doors.
  • Students’ will carry books, exercise books and education related things as prescribed by the teachers, must not carry anything which is not related to study.